Heidelberg Hotel Villa Marstall - Hotel in Heidelberg with perfect location in the Old Town on the banks of the river Neckar
Villa Marstall_Garni_kl





Imprint / Legal Notice


Hotel Villa Marstall GmbH
Lauerstraße 1
69117 Heidelberg

Contact Options

E-Mail Address: info@villamarstall.de
Phone:: +49 (0)6221 65557-0
Fax: +49 (0)6221 65557-79


Representative/s: General Manager: Dipl. Kfm. Martino Milcovic

Company Details

VAT identification number: DE298679345

Terms: https://villamarstall.de/EN/html/gtcs.html

Register, Type of Register and Register Number

Commercial Register

The register is administered by: Amtsgericht Mannheim

Register number: HRB 707440

Supervisory Authority

Supervisory or central authority:

Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde / Supervisory authority:
Gewerbeamt Stadt Heidelberg
Bergheimer Straße 69
69115 Heidelberg
Deutschland / Germany

Website: https://www.heidelberg.de/hd,Lde/-/Verfahrensbeschreibung/;modulvb/;vbid496/;vbmid1

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Online dispute resolution: The European Commission provides a platform for Online Disputem Resolution (ODR), which can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Consumers have the possibility to use this platform to settle their disputes.

Dispute Resolution before a Consumer Arbitration Board

Information on Participation in Consumer Arbitration: We are not willing and not obliged to participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability Disclaimers and Copyright Information

Liability Disclaimer: While the content of this website has been put together with great care and reflects our current knowledge, it is provided for information purposes without being legally binding, unless the disclosure of this information is required by law (e.g. the legal information), the privacy policy, terms and conditions or withdrawal instructions for consumers) . We reserve the right to modify or delete the content, whether in full or in part, provided this does not affect our existing contractual obligations. All website content is subject to change and non-binding.

Link Disclaimer: We do not accept any responsibility for or endorse the content of external websites we link to, whether directly or indirectly. The providers of the linked websites are solely responsible for all content presented on their websites and in particular, any damage resulting from the use the information offered on their websites.

Copyrights and Trademarks: We do not accept any responsibility for or endorse the content of external websites we link to, whether directly or indirectly. The providers of the linked websites are solely responsible for all content presented on their websites and in particular, any damage resulting from the use the information offered on their websites.

Information on legal infringements: Please notify us if you notice any rights violations on our website. Once notified, we will promptly remove any illegal content or links.

You can see our data privacy statement here...


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